
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

activity 3 crazy cool clouds

i will choose the second one because it looks so amazing it looks like a big building of clouds 
so what i think is the cloud is geting formed from the water vapore and the water vapore is coming from the water which we are boiling etc .THE END

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Dhanonjoy,

    You have described what you see the cloud as, next time it would great if you use lots of adjectives to help us see and feel what you were imagining, a picture of the cloud would definitely be useful to have in your post too. Thank you for sharing some of your knowledge about water vapour.

    To me, this cloud looks like candy floss that is still being spun on to a stick. I can just imagine buying one now.. I haven't had any for a while, have you ever tasted candy floss?

    Hope your holiday is going great.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

